
Why a girl can never have enough shoes!

Now, I don’t want to lump everyone in the same bracket here, there are many girls who don’t give a second thought to the shoes they wear, and that’s absolutely fine – there are some however, that have every colour, shape, design and style known to man. And I’m going to tell you why.

Comfort over style? Can you have both in a pair of high heels?

Comfort over style…how long has this topic been debated? The King of stiletto’s Christian Louboutin has been quoted saying “comfort is not my focus” (Vogue., 2012), instead he creates for beauty, sexiness and design.

Human Connection

This blog post is going to be as humanly raw as possible. I’m going to open myself up and let you into my real world. Let’s start with a Lucy Rose update. We are working on the LR5 (or fifth prototype) which will be better than the last one and will be the one that some actual women other than myself can try on!