Women's Shoes


How has it been this long again?! The last you heard of me was my frustrations in the R&D world and how many iterations we had been doing. Fast forward a few months and I am basking in a glow of pride. I have achieved something. Okay, it’s not quite what I set out to achieve yet (and we are still working away on that), but we have designed and produced a pair of shoes that I can wear.

How do I start a start-up?

I have always known deep down that I wanted to be my own boss and to own my own company. But going from that ideal to reality is a lot more challenging than I thought. I have been working on the business for a long time now, but I always had something else to achieve and complete before I could devote all my time to it. Like A-Levels, then four years at University. Those gave me clear goals, I had to submit a piece of coursework by x, had an exam on y, all working towards a clear overall goal of passing University.

Welcome to Lucy Rose

A big Hello to my Lucy Rose community. I’m thinking of calling you ‘Roses’, but we can work on that!

I wanted to write this blog to introduce myself and the business on a more personal note. The business idea came to me when I was in the back of my mum’s car one Friday evening driving through my home town and seeing all the girls take off their shoes after a night out. I was 17 years old at the time and I thought there had to be a better way of solving this literal ‘pain point’ than to take them off or change shoes (which I know many working women do also).