The first three weeks of January have been busy for Lucy Rose Ltd. We have submitted an application to Innovate UK for a SMART Grant, which we will find out the result in the middle of March. I have also met with another investor who I was put in touch with from an old teacher of mine whilst working part time in a shop (weird and wonderful coincidences of networking).
He seemed interested in Lucy Rose, but his real test was to run it past his wife – a potential customer. She spends money on shoes (like most women has an uncontrollable shoe and handbag addiction), and struggles with the pain of high heels. This was a big one for me. She has no loyalty towards me, has never met me before and would be completely in her right to tell me it’s a useless idea. Her first reaction to the Lucy Rose shoe was “Oh Wow!” - and this has not been the first time for us. She left the meeting wanting to be my shoe designer and chief tester. She loved Lucy Rose and the shoe itself.
This was huge for me. An actual potential customer saying “I want you to make me one”. This is what my dreams have been made of. The true test of an idea being worth taking to commercialisation.
With a little luck and a lot of help, we’re on the right track to be one step closer to making Lucy Rose an actual brand, selling actual shoes to actual customers who love what we do. I couldn’t be happier right now – 2020 you’re shaping up to be a good one!
Until next time, and I’ll keep you posted,
Emily x