The lacking days..
There are days in everyone’s life in which we lack self confidence and the uphill road seems as though it’ll never end. We have a vision for the future and sometimes this becomes a bit murky and we wonder how on earth we’re going to get there from our current situation. The good news is this is completely normal and you are not alone in these thoughts.
Richard Branson says if your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough. Sometimes they scare you so much you kind of want to just run away for a bit, peek out the top of the bunker you’ve put yourself in and see if they’ve happened yet. Alas, they have not because unfortunately the only person who can realise these dreams, are you.
The important bit..
Despite the fact that everyone under this earth has had these thoughts, especially when pursuing your dreams, it’s important to note that these thoughts alone do not render us unconfident or unable to pull off the big goals we set ourselves. They are merely anchoring our feet to the ground and making sure we don’t enter the world of the deluded.
The one trait that all confident women have, is belief. Belief can be tried and tested. It can wobble from time to time, but it will never leave. If you imagine playing in the Final of Wimbledon, you’re one set down and you HAVE to win this set to have a fighting chance. It all becomes about your mindset. Not can you do it but how will you do it? That is the key difference between belief and hope.
The never giving up..
Let’s say that you lost that final, you didn’t win the second set for whatever reason; nerves, injury or indeed lack of confidence at the time. This isn’t to say that you never will win at Wimbledon. You analyse your performance, work on the weak aspects and come back again next year. Again, this is the essence of belief. You believe you can win it, so you try again.
This is entrepreneurship through and through. You fall down, you get up and try again. Whether it’s a marketing campaign, a product launch or a piece of bad press. The one thing that makes you stand out as confident is the ability to believe in yourself. No one else can do it for you.