Hello Again:
It’s been two months since I last did a blog post! But I’m back again and I read an interesting passage which I would like to share with you regarding the different facets of our life and making sure we can distinguish between them.
Our self-worth is not our career:
Many of us, myself included tie up our self-worth as human beings in what we do. If we meet someone new, one of our first questions will be ‘so, what do you do?’. Naturally, we would be more or less interested in them based on the type of career they’ve had or what they do for a job.
One sentence I read turned this on its head and said [about a job] “This is what I do, this is not who I am”. Outside of work, we are mothers, fathers, friends, brothers, sisters, strangers and lovers. How we communicate and treat those around us is who we are. Which coincidentally has very little to do with what we do.
Once we make this distinction in our minds, at least for me it freed things up. It allowed me to think about new ways of doing things, of thinking bigger, of taking more chances because if it all goes wrong, it has no bearing on who I am as a person. The biggest blessing though, is that by taking these risks, by dreaming bigger, by putting ourselves out of our comfort zones – we will learn things about ourselves and hone our soft skills which will directly impact who we are as people.
The human attributes of professional endeavours:
Someone who knows failure is strong. Someone who knows risk is courageous. Someone who knows success is kind. These professional actions can all be fed into developing yourself to be the best version of you in a personal context. Truthfully, everyone gets scared when they start to play bigger, I’m scared right now of the future and how everything is going to pan out. But I know that whatever happens I’ll be a better, stronger, kinder and more courageous person.
What you do is not who you are. But who you are can dictate what you do.